Ο ΖΕΟΛΙΘΟΣ:     ΕΡΕΥΝΑ & Επιστημονικά Δεδομένα

Τα αποτελέσματα της χρήσης του ζεόλιθου στην ιατρική βασίζονται στην έρευνα που συνεχώς διεξάγεται από διάσημους επιστήμονες παγκοσμίως στον τομέα της φαρμακολογίας.

Στην αρχή της μελέτης του ζεόλιθου, υπήρξε πολλή συζήτηση και διλήμματα στον κόσμο της ιατρικής και της φαρμακολογίας. Ενώ μερικοί ήταν σκεπτικοί, πολλοί επιστήμονες παγκοσμίως δημοσιεύουν νέα στοιχεία κάθε χρόνο σχετικά με τις πολυάριθμες φαρμακευτικές του ιδιότητες.  Σήμερα ο ζεόλιθος  κατατάσσεται από  την Αμερικανική  Υπηρεσία Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων FDA στην ομάδα GRAS (γενικά αναγνωρισμένο ως ασφαλές στη χρήση). Στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση κυκλοφορεί ως φαρμακευτικό σκεύασμα CE (0481) και ως τρόφιμο με πιστοποίηση HACCAP

Ο ζεόλιθος δεν ανταγωνίζεται  άλλα κλασσικά ιατρικά, διαιτητικά, εναλλακτικά φάρμακα ή θεραπείες. Δεν υπάρχει τοξική ή θανατηφόρος δόση. Δεν υπάρχει καμία πιθανότητα υπερδοσολογίας και δεν υπάρχει δυνατότητα εθισμού. Είναι 100% φυσικό, απόλυτα ασφαλές και μη τοξικό, χωρίς να αλληλεπιδρά με άλλα φάρμακα.  Ο Ζεόλιθος  δεν συσσωρεύεται και δεν παραμένει στο σώμα. Ενεργεί  για 4-8 ώρες και μετά εξαλείφεται εντελώς από το σώμα μέσω των κοπράνων, των ούρων και του ιδρώτα.

Η απόλυτη αποτοξίνωση με ζεόλιθο είναι αποτέλεσμα του  γεγονότος ότι είναι αρνητικά φορτισμένος. Έτσι, ελκύει και  εγκλωβίζει στη μοριακή του δομή, τα θετικά φορτισμένα σωματίδια που είναι συνήθως επιβλαβείς, τοξικές ή καρκινογόνες ουσίες  ( Βαρέα μέταλλα, φυτοφάρμακα, ζιζανιοκτόνα, αλφατοξίνες, νιτροζαμίνες, αμμωνία, μυκοτοξίνες, ιούς, αλλεργιογόνα, γαλακτικά, ραδιενεργά σωματίδια, υποπροϊόντα ναρκωτικών, αντισυλληπτικά, χημειοθεραπεία, ακτινοθεραπεία, φάρμακα, υπεριώδη ακτινοβολία, αλκοόλ, τσιγάρα, διάφορα οξειδωτικά και άλλες επιβλαβείς ουσίες).

Ταυτόχρονα, ελευθερώνει στο σώμα θετικά φορτισμένα χρήσιμα ιόντα  που ενώνονται μ ε τις ελεύθερες ρίζες.  Ο ζεόλιθος βελτιώνει τις λειτουργίες του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, αλκαλοποιεί το σώμα και εξουδετερώνει τις ελεύθερες ρίζες.


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Reference-medical applications of zeolite


  1. Absorption characteristics of natural zeolite of clinoptilolite in biological materials in vitro Vrzgula L et al., (Praha) 1989 34 (9) 537-44
  2. Natural zeolite removes heavy metal cations E. Erdem et al., Journal of colloid and interface science 280 (2004) 309-314
  3. Zeolite Removes Heavy Metals Toxicological Enviromental Chemistry Vol 51. (1995) 21
  4. Simultaneous removal of metals Cu2, Fe3, Cr3 with 502 HP02 anions with the help of clinoptilolite Inglezakis et al., Department of Chemistry Engineering, Athenas, Greece, Micropor. Macropor. 61 (2003) 167-171
  5. Effects of selectivity of ionic exchange of zeolite M.Kuronen et al., Lab of Radiochem University of Helsinki, Finland, PCCP (2000) 2655- 2659
  6. Application of natural zeolites in the removal of mercury A Chojanacki et al., Minerals Engineering 17 (2004) 933-937
  7. Clinoptilolite and Alfisol bind the lead (II) equilibrium of the cation and the pI-I effect.Ponizovsky, C. Tsadilas, Institute of Physical, Chem and Biol Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Department of Civil and Envirron Engin University of Delaware, N ewark, USA, Institute of Soli Claessif, Larissa, Greece, Elsevier Science BV, Geoderma vol 115, 3-4, 2003, 303-12
  8. Use of clinoptilolite in the removal of zinc and lead Morali Nihan, Department of Environmental Engineering, Midle East Technical University, Turkey 2006
  9. The ability of clinoptilolite to absorb ions of heavy metals – Wolfener Analytik GmbH, Bitterberg; Germany
  10. The use of zeolite significantly reduces carcinogenic substances in tobacco smoke Meier MW et al., Micropor Mesopor Mater 33, 1999, 307-310
  11. Zeolite Effects on Decontamination of Rediocesia and Radiostronics – Zeolites (1997) Vol 18: 218
  12. Effects of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite in the process of removing Cs-137 from the body of the rats Krasnoperova AP et al., State University, Ukraine, Radiates Biol Radiocol 1999 39 (4) 471-4
  13. Can zeolite reduce and accelerate the secretion of radio cesium in Ruminants– Forberg S et al., Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Sci Total Environ 1989 79 (1) 37-41
  14. Effects of natural zeolite in the secretion and distribution of radioecosion in rats – Mizik P et al., Vet Med (Praha) 1989 34 (8) 467-74
  15. Zeolite Clinoptilolite and Uranium Absorption, Characteristics and Thermodynamic Properties A. Kiln- carllan et al., Institute for Nuclear Science, Bornova-Izmir, Turkey, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol 264 (2005) 541-548
  16. Zeolite absorbs nitrosamines in an acidic solution of Chun Fang Zhou et al., Chemosphere 58, (2005) 109-114
  17. Zeolite as a protective polymer of ultraviolet radiation Kanebo Ltd jp (1986) Vol 61
  18. Evaluation of pathological changes in broilers during chronic aflatoxins and the effect of clinoptilolite Ortatatli et al., Department of Pathology, of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey, Elsevier, Research in Veterinary Science 78 (2005) 61- 68
  19. The effectiveness of zeolite minerals on aflatoxin toxicity during chicken broth Harvey RB et al., Food Animal Protection Research Lab, U.S. Department of Agricult, College Station, Texas 77845, Avian Dis 1993 37 (1) 67-73
  20. Prevention of Toxic Effects of Mycotoxins Ramos AJ et al., Journal of Food Protection 59 631-641
  21. Ionic alteration, equilibrium and structural changes – the application of clinoptilolite to beta and gamma radiation monovalent cations Moreatis et al., Department of Mineral Resources Angineering Technical University of Crete, Greece, American Mineralogist, vol 92 (2007) 1714-1730
  22. Study on the effects of ALCOSORBA on alcohol concentration in the blood – dr]. Schwaiger, Department of Medicine of the Main Police Office Villach, Pharmacos Arzneimittel Gmbh and Panaceo IAMP GmbG (2003)
  23. Use of zeolite in the removal of arsenic from contaminated water Siddesh 8, Robert GF, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Res Lab, Ada, OK, USA, Water Research 38 (2004) 3197-3204
  24. Zeolite and selective absorption of inhaled anesthetics– Janchen J et al .; Pneumatik Berlin GmbH, Germany; EurJ Anaesthesiol 1998 May; 15 (3) 324-9



  1. Immunostimulatory effects of natural clinoptilolite and its anticancer and antimetastatic capabilities Pavelić et al., Ruđer Bošković Institute, Molecutec Corporation Segovia goleta, Ca USA, Springer-Verlag 2001, Journal of Cancer Reserch and Clinical Oncology
  2. Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: a new adjuvant in anticancer therapy Pavelić et al., Ruđer Bošković Institute,] Mol Med (2001)
  3. Zeolite – a medicament for epithelial cancer cells Kaufman, US Patent 6288045, Lifelink PharmaceuticalOnc, (2000)
  4. Anticarcinogenic and antioxidant effects of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite Žarković Neven et al., Ruder Bošković Institute
  5. In vitro and in vivo effects of natural clinoptilolite on malignant tumors Poljak Blaži et al., Ruder Bošković Institute 13th International Zeolite Conference, Montpellier, France, 8-13 (2001) Vol 135, p 374
  6. The effects of natural clinoptilolite on serotonergic receptors in the brain of the mouse with breast carcinoma Muck-Seler et al., Life Sci.2003,73 (16) 2059-69
  7. Effects of clinoptilolite on cell carrier and consequent effects on tumor cells in vitro – Mass Katic and Sun, R. Bošković Institute
  8. The influence of tribomechanically activated zeolite on total antioxidant status in patients with malignant diseases Authors dr S. Ivković 1 D. Žabčić Megamin International Management GMBH, Villach, Austria
  9. Antioxidant therapy: the nanotechnology product of Zeolite reduces oxidative stress in patients with cancer and diabetes S. Ivković et al., McGamin GmbH Berlin, Germany Medigence LLC, USA, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 33, 2002, San Antonio, TX, USA
  10. Effects of tribomechanically activated zeolite on total antioxidant status in healthy and malignant patients Ivković D i sur, Megamin International Villach, Austria, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 33, 2002, Rene Descartes Univerity, Paris, France
  11. Molecular mechanisms for the anticancer activity of natural dietary products – Authors of the Institute of R. Bošković Institute: K. Pavelić, M. Čolić, Source:] Mol Med (2000)



  1. Antioxidative and immunostimulatory effects of natural clinoptilolite in vivo Pavelić et al., Ruder Bošković Institute, Faculty of Medicine Clinical Hospital Center <> Zagreb >> Institute of Pathology, Moleutec Corporation, Segovia, Goleta CA USA
  2. Antioxidant effects of activated volcanic mineral zeolite on the oxidative status of Dr. Wolfgang Toma et al., Private Clinic Villach, (2001) clinical research
  3. Study on antioxidant activity Dr. P.M.Abuja, Sveuč. Prof. Institute of Biophysics and X-ray Radiation, Graz, (2003)
  4. Effects of tribomechanically activated zeolite on the oxidative and antioxidant status Čolić, Vice President Research and Development Department Molecular technologies Segovia, Goleta, Santa Barbara, CA USA
  5. Clinical trials FRAS test proves antioxidant activity by Dr. Wolfgang Toma et al., Private Clinic Villach, (2003)
  6. Ιnfluence of zeolite on immunization Int]. Zoonoses (1981) Vol. 891



  1. Antiviral characteristics of clinoptilolite Magdalena Grce and Krešimir Pavelić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Microp Mesop Mater 79 (2005) 165-169



  1. Effects of zeolite clinoptilolite on serum chemistry and hematopoiesis in mice Martin-Kleiner and Sun, R. Bošković Institute, Merkur Clinical Hospital, Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Institute of Lab. Diag. Clinical Hospital Zagreb, Food and chemical toxicology (2001) vol. 39, 717-727
  2. EFFECT OF ZEOLITE (QUIKCLOTTM) IN REDUCING BLOOD LOSS IN RATS AND THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF ZEOLITE ON BLOOD IN VITRO– R. Bonegio, R. Fuhro et al., Military Maritime Laboratory for Blood Research, Boston University of Medicine, BOSTON, MA (2006)
  3. Clinoptilolite zeolite in the protection against cadmium-induced anemia in pigs Pond WG, Yen JT, Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1983, 173 (3) 332-7 Silicates induce the death of peripheral blood lymphocytes in humans in vitro Aikoh T et al., Int] Oncol 12 1355-1359



  1. Antibacterial effects of zeolite J.Clinic DENT (1998) Vol. 9: 94
  2. Zeolite inhibits candid albicans, use in dentistry J. Oral Rehabil (1997) Vol. 24: 350
  3. Zeolite inhibits salmonella tvphimurium Bioresource technology (1995) Vol 53.1.


Επιπτώσεις του ζεόλιθου στο ΔΙΑΒΗΤΗΣ

  1. Effect of zeolite on diabetes Zeolile Vol 19 471997 and Diabetes (1988) Vol 37 930
  2. The role of zeolite in the prevention of acquired diabetes Diabetes (1985) Vol 34197
  3. Research and design principles of FZ zeolite Absorbent of glucose A B. Conception Rosabal et al., Zeolites 19, 47-50, 1997


Επιδράσεις του ζεόλιθου σε ΟΣΤΕΟΠΟΡΩΣΗ και Οστά

  1. Effect of zeolite on bone structure] Bone Miner. Res (1992) Vol. 7: 1281
  2. Zeolite A inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in vitro N. Schiitze, M. J. Oursler et al., Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Endocrine Research Unit, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota
  3. Zeolite A increases the proliferation, differentiation, and transformation of beta production of the growth factor of osteoblast cells in an adult, in vitro Keeting et al.,] Bone and Miner Res (1992) 7 (11): 1281-1289.
  4. Zeolite and calcium deficiency in histomorphometry of the tibial bone of the rat Firling C. E, EvansG. L et al., Univ. Minnesota, Dep. Biology and Dep. Anatomy Cell Biology, Duluth, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (1996) vol. 11, 254-263


Επιδράσεις του ζεόλιθου στο ΔΕΡΜΑ, ΠΛΗΓΕΣ, ΚΑΨΙΜΟ και ΑΙΜΟΡΡΑΓΙΑ

  1. External applications on wounds PNAS (1999) Vol 96: 3463
  2. Use of Zeolite in Burns and stoping Bleeding John McManus et al., US Army, Institute of Surgical Research, Texas, Prehospita] Emergency Care, Volume 11, (2007) 67 71
  3. Use of natural zeolite in treating burns of dogs Bedrenica et al., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, and lnstitute R. Bošković, Tierarztl Umschau 58, (2003) 78-87
  4. Zeolite in dermatology and cosmetics of an exotic country for healthy and beautiful skin – Prof Dr Krešimir Pavelić, prof. Dr derm. Stephan Schimpf


Επιδράσεις του ζεόλιθου σε ΝΕΥΡΟΕΚΦΥΛΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΑΣΘΕΝΕΙΕΣ

  1. Alumosilicate zeolite and aging forgetfulness in Alzheimer’s disease Candy JM and Sun, Lancet (1986) 1: 354-356.
  2. Zeolite as a pesticide degradation method Tim University Of Maine USA, 2000, November 29, and the Linkage of Pesticides and Parkinson Analyzes of the Family Study, Dana B Hancock, Eden R Martin et al. , BioMed Central / EMC Neurology USA, 2008, March 29
  3. Autism and behavioral disorders in children Transcript of the conference 5 Dr. Procuik, April 2006, USA
  4. Clinical study on the evaluation of the use of zeolite in the treatment of the autism disorder spectrum. Seshagiri Rao, Plano, Texas and Dr. Stephanie Cave Baton rouge, Louisiana USA (2006)


Επιδράσεις του ζεόλιθου σε ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΚΟΙΛΙΟΤΗΤΑ

  1. Zeolite stimulates digestive system in dogs]. Magn Imaging (1995) Vol. 5 499
  2. Enterex medicament for diarrhea and mucous membrane damage based on natural clinoptilolite G. Rodriguez-Fuentes, M. Marrios, A. Iraizoz, I, Perdomo, B. Cedre. Microporus mesoporous (1998) Vol. 23: 247
  3. Effects of zeolite in experimentally induced metabolic acidosis in sheep Vet Med (Praha) 1983 28 (11), 679-86


Ζεόλιθος στήν ΟΥΡΟΛΟΓΙΑ

  1. Anti-bacterial zeolite balloon catheter and its effect on the control of urinary tract infection Uchida T, Maru N et al., Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine, Hinyokika Kiyo 1992 Aug 38 (8) 973-8
  2. Potential of micronized capsulated zeolite as an oral absorbent of urea Cattaneo MV, Chang TM, Artificial Cells and Organs Research Center, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ASAIO Trans 1991, Apr-Jun 37 (2) 80-7
  3. Clinical evidence supporting the use of an activated clinoptilolite suspension as an agent to increase urinary excretion of toxic heavy metals, James L Flowers, Stewart A. Lonkey, Erik J Deitsch, Dovepress 2009


Ζεόλιθος στήν ΟΔΟΝΤΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ

  1. Potential of micronized capsulated zeolite as an oral absorbent of urea Cattaneo MV, Chang TM, Artificial Cells and Organs Research Center, McGi11 University
  2. Pilot study of the effects of zeolite on plaque formations – Morishita M, Miyagi M. et al., Department of Preventive Dentistry, IIsroshima University School of Densitry, Japan, J Clin Dent 1998, 9 (94- 6)
  3. Dynamic Characteristics of Anti-Microbiological Silverish Zelins (SZ) in Waspwitches Ueshige M, Abe Y et al., Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry,] apan; ] Dent 1999 Sep; 27 (7) 517
  4. Antifungal effects of zeolite against growth Candide albicans in tissue maintenance creams Nikawa H, Yamamoto T et al., Department of Prosthetic Densitry; Hiroshima University School of Dentistry, Minami-Ku Japan; J Oral Rehabil 1997 May 24 (5) 350-7


Χρήση Ζεόλιθου στην ΔΕΡΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΑ

  1. Zn2 + in the exchange with clinoptilolite rich mineral, actively contributes as an antibiotic in the current anti-acne therapy of M.C. Bonferoni et al., Dipartimento di Chimica Farmaceutica, Università di Pavia, Viale Taramelli 12, 27100 Pavia, Italy, Clay Science, Volume 36 (2007) 95-102
  2. Zeolite in dermatology and cosmetics exalted soil for healthy and beautiful skin • Prof Dr Krešimir Pavelić, prof. Dr derm. Stephan Schimpf


ΑΛΛΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΕΙΣ του Ζεόλιθου

  1. Medical applications of zeolite Handbook of Zeolite Science and Technology, Dekkerreprint Program, K. Pavelić and M.Hadžija, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.
  2. Natural Cell Defense Scientific Research Zeolite Monograph Rick J. Deitsch, USA, copyright 2005
  3. Biomedical application of zeolite Pavelić et al., Ruđer Bošković Institute, 13th International Zeolite Conference, Montpellier, France, 8- 13 (2001) Vol 135, p 170
  4. Zeolite Energy of the Primary rocks of Planet Earth Pavelić K., Schimpf S., Meyer-Wegener., VIP Sante, Luxemburg, 2002, English edition
  5. Effects of incorporating natural zeolite clinoptilolite in nutrition to the concentration of certain vitamins, macro elements and trace elements in the blood, liver and kidney strains of DS. Papaioannou et al., Clinic of Prod Anim Med, Clin of Clin Diag and Clin Path etc, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece
  6. Tribomechanical micronization and activation of whey protein concentrate and zeolite– Zoran Herceg et al., Department of Food Enginerring Faculty of Food Tech and Biotech Univers of Zagreb, Food Technol.Biotechnol. 40 (2) 145-155 (2002)
  7. Effects of the addition of clinoptilolite in the diet to the survival of the embryo in pigs Yang CS, Tzeng SK et al., Zeo Agric, Eds WG, Pond FA, Mumpton, Boulder, Colorado, Westview Pres Inc 155-160



  1. Ζεόλιθος Βιομηχανική Έρευνα
el Ελληνικά